1-1 Therapy

for children aged 2-11 year who stammer, and their families

1-1 Services: Assessment Sessions

Assessments with Rachael Wakefield for children in Yorkshire who stammer
  • an initial visit to your home or your child’s education/childcare setting. (home appointments are preferrable for initial assessment)

  • we’ll talk about your child’s stammer and overall development, a family history discussion, your hopes and expectations for therapy (for you and your child), any worries you may be experiencing, and how I can provide support.

  • an informal and fun play session, game, or craft session with your child.

  • an age appropriate and child-led discussion about your child’s own thoughts and feelings about their stammer and what they would like to achieve together. I may use stories, drawings, a short questionnaire with pictures, and toys to support our discussion.

  • In some cases, I may advise some further assessment of your child’s speech sounds, understanding, and use of spoken language. I can provide additional assessment of these if required.

1-1 Services: Therapy Sessions

Stammering Therapy Sessions in Yorkshire with Rachael Wakefield

  • Therapy for under 7s, may include:

    -Parent Child Interaction, a supportive home based intervention to help the whole family feel confident in supporting your child when they stammer.

    - 1-1 therapy sessions for your child (school/nursery/home). The main aim of 1-1 therapy is to support happy, confident communication and wellbeing, not to reduce stammering. Depending on your child’s needs, I can offer sessions in blocks of 6 or you can purchase individual sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis, up to 6 sessions. Additional sessions can be provided as needed following a review.

    -Supporting adults to create a stammering friendly environment.

    -Meeting at Nursery or School with supporting staff.

  • Therapy for 7-11s, may include:

    -Supporting adults to create a stammering friendly environment.

    -Meeting at School with supporting staff.

    -Supporting family members to understand stammering and learn how to confidently provide support.

    -1-1 therapy sessions for your child (school or home). The main aim of 1-1 therapy is to support happy, confident communication and wellbeing, not to reduce stammering. Depending on your child’s needs, I can offer sessions in blocks of 6 or you can purchase individual sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis, up to 6 sessions. Additional sessions can be provided as needed following a review.

    -Stammering presentations for classes (your child can lead this fully or jointly with me!)

    -Option to join Stammer in the Woods, a monthly outdoors wellbeing group for 7-11s who stammer. See the Stammer in the Woods page for more information.

Stammering support for children in Yorkshire with Speech and Language Therapist Rachael Wakefield


Please note that I do not charge by the hour. All prices below are flat fees and include travel time, mileage, related admin time, and resources. Assessment sessions usually last 1-2 hrs. Therapy sessions usually last 45 mins.

Assessment Session + Report: £130

Therapy session: £70

School/Nursery meeting or class presentation: £70

Stammer in the Woods Club: £20 per child/adults free.

Therapy Sessions in Yorkshire for Children with a Stammer